Jackie & Trainer JenCongratulations Jackie L!

My first request to train at SculPT was in November of 2015 (shoutout to Jeff for not forgetting about me when I kept putting it off). Fast-forward five months to March, I finally started working with Jen! I wanted to get into a good routine after graduating college and starting a new job. I have always been relatively active but never saw much progress in terms of strength or endurance.

Let me tell you, I was either doing everything wrong or Jen is a miracle worker (or both) because I can now do 18-20 perfect push-ups! For YEARS I have been trying to improve those and now in a matter of months I am off my knees and on to my toes!

Jen pushes me to lift heavier, do more reps (even when I really don’t want to) and challenges me each and every workout. She also helped me get my nutrition under control. Though it took me a while to fully commit to the nutrition part, now that I have, I am really seeing and feeling changes in my body.

I am looking forward to continuing to exceed my own expectations and creating new goals. Thanks to Jen and the rest of the team at SculPT I am feeling better and more motivated than ever!

March Before:

Sculpt Fitness November 2016 Member of the Month Before


Current After:



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