Krystal Last DayDay 1: 1/18/16


34% Body Fat (57.74lbs)

106.26lbs Lean Mass


Day 180: 8/10/16


28.7% Body Fat (43.28lbs)

107.5% Lean Mass


Like so many, Krystal suffered from “gym anxiety” when she called Sculpt Fitness in the last minutes of our New Year’s specials. Jeff invited her to stop by before the office closed for the day. Krystal quickly told Jeff about her goals, to get toned and healthy for her August wedding. After talking through the process, she signed up, ready to start the following week with Jeff as her trainer.


With the wedding less than a year away, Krystal had truly become the ideal client. Sticking to her new routine, she never cancelled a session, and had nearly perfect nutrition, even abstaining from beer, a personal favorite. Throughout the last several months, Krystal overcame the personal challenges of planning her big day, and muscled through the physical obstacles set by Jeff and Jen, on occasion.


Over the course of just 26 weeks, Krystal safely reduced her body fat by exactly 25%, while maintaining a healthy weight on the scale.


Congrats Krystal and Mike on getting married!

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