Put the fork down and pick the weights up!

There’s a new phenomenon we’re facing in America called sitting disease. There’s even people saying “sitting is the new smoking.” If you sit for most of your job, like many people in the corporate realm do, the inactivity is adversely affecting your health. Research has linked sitting for long periods of time with health issues like obesity, cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome — a cluster of conditions that includes increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels.
Instead of sitting on your butt all day and then taking your break to sit some more while eating your lunch get up and be active! You will feel much better about your day and overall about yourself.
I often hear that 30-45 mins is not enough time to get a good workout in. But that is an excuse! Would it be as efficient as an hour workout in the gym? By all means it can be! It depends on the intensity you work at. A short blast of high intensity training or weight-lifting can certainly invigorate you to get through the afternoon at work.
Top Benefits of a Lunchtime Workout
- When you exercise your brain chemistry changes. You’ll be in a better mood heading back to your desk!
- Blood is flowing. Oxygen is traveling all the way from your toes to the top of your brain. You’ll be less apt to feel that 3 PM slump.
- You can de-stress. You’ll be focusing on your workout, not on work… your colleagues, manager, deadlines – you’ll forget about it even if only for a few minutes!
- You’ll have more time after work. You got your workout in more efficiently – spend time with your family or get errands done after work instead.
- You’ll be forced to bring lunch from home… hopefully! Plan ahead and prep your meal. Chances are it will be healthier than what you would’ve gone out for and you’ll be saving money too!
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